Interview with Dr. Marc J. Seifer: Nikola Tesla’s Genius Shaped the Future
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Dr. Marc J. Seifer, author of the bestselling books: “Wizard The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla” and “Tesla Wizard at War”, Zlatan Demirovic, Prodigy Magazine
Marc Seifer
What is your opinion about “awakening”, in terms of necessity of applying Tesla’s free energy standards in life?
Tesla’s concept of free energy has certainly captured the imagination of many, but to understand precisely what he means remains a challenging task. One of Tesla’s most important ideas concerns the ability to capture cosmic rays which emanate not only from Sun, but also from the stars. As Tesla wrote to the New York Times on February 6, 1932, he hypothesized that these rays traveling at tachyonic rates “were produced by electrified particles of matter projected with great velocity.” Tesla thus set upon capturing these rays in early experiments he undertook and created a patent (US685957A) for capturing and utilizing these rays which he labeled “radiant energy” in 1896. According to his findings, Tesla further stated that “so great is the penetrative power of these rays that they can traverse thousands of miles of solid matter with but slight diminution of velocity. In passing through space, which is filled with cosmic dust, they generate a secondary radiation of constant intensity, day, and night, and pouring upon the Earth equally from all directions…. In view of this, I believe that we will make much more rapid progress if those who are now taking interest in it will accept my theory and build further on this foundation, instead of embarking on useless errands in quest of mythical rays coming from nowhere.”
Tesla however, complicates his view of capturing what we are calling “free energy” when he writes in 1921 in his paper A New Universal Principle Revolutionizing Modern Theories Astonishing Facts about Cosmic Rays that there are also “effects due to radiations entirely different from the cosmic, namely, they are, as light, longitudinal pulses or waves in the ether, which set like particles of relatively small penetrative but extraordinarily great ionizing power. Rays similar to these can be artificially generated and will be of immense practical value.”
Then on November 1, 1933, writing in The New York American in his article “Device to Harness Cosmic Energy Claimed” the inventor states that “night will not interrupt the flow of the new power supply… The central-plant engine which will mechanize the cosmic energy and shoot it electrically to the other side of the world or the other side of the street will operate on an entirely new principle and will develop hundreds of thousands of horsepower.”
When grilled about this by Tesla biographer John O’Neill, Tesla stated that he was able to drive a motor by harnessing such rays.
University of Chicago
July 8, 1931
My dear Mr. Tesla,
…. To men like yourself, who have learned first-hand the secrets of nature and who have shown us how here laws may be applied in solving our everyday problems, we of the younger generation owe a debt that cannot be paid.
Arthur H. Compton
Thus, we see that Tesla is suggesting that there are two separate sources of available energy that can be utilized. The precise mechanism aside from his 1896 patent above has yet to be completely understood. However, cosmic rays emanating from all the stars in the universe are indeed real and they do have the penetrative power that he suggests. For instance, in a cover story on Nobel Prize winner Arthur Compton in TIME, January 13, 1936, Compton essentially confirms everything Tesla stated about cosmic rays stating that he too saw them as coming not just from the Milky Way, but from other galaxies with stating they had the same penetrative power that Tesla suggests, able, for instance, to penetrate 25 feet of solid lead. Calling them “charged particles” as opposed to being particles of light, Dr. Compton had calculated their energy at 30 billion volts and that in support of the conclusion that they were charged particles, Compton literally travelled the entire planet measuring these rays and found that they were indeed more prominent at the poles attracted to this magnetic feature of the planet. Following Tesla’s ideas, supported by Arthur Compton, and further exploring the details of Tesla’s patented apparatus may bring society to the point where we will indeed have an unlimited source of power stemming from the cosmos itself that will not sap the planet of its finite natural elements (e.g., oil, coal, and natural gas). That is the utopian dream that Tesla lays out for us.
How do you see a chance for overcoming a leading materialistic-monopolistic ideology, which is in discrepancy with a positive evolution of humanity?
This is a very complex question because it covers both the negatives and positives of what we call the capitalistic system. As Winston Churchill suggests, capitalism may not be the best system, but it’s a helluva lot better than the alternatives. Such systems as the communist ideology which suggests sharing the wealth looks great on paper, but the outcome as we see in Russia, Cuba and China is dictatorships and corresponding thwarting of independent thinking. Overcoming the negatives of our society involves breaking up monopolies and creating a climate more in accord with the idea of socialism, sharing the wealth. Bill Gates comes to mind. At the time, around a quarter of a century ago, Gates was perhaps the richest man on the planet. People made appeals to him to share his great wealth, and because of that and the actions of his wife Melissa, Gates became one of the greatest philanthropists of the modern age. One can certainly criticize some of his actions, but on the positive side, he has indeed helped share the wealth. Tesla of course was a true believer of the idea behind philanthropy, and he tried like crazy to spark that flame in his financial backer J. Pierpont Morgan. However, this effort was unfortunately unrewarded, and we all suffered because of it. Had Morgan taken up Tesla’s idea to, on some level, forget about the balance sheet, (he could have easily given Tesla the additional $100,000 he needed to complete Wardenclyffe) the mass media would have evolved in a much more rapid fashion and cell phone technology would have come into being in the early 1900’s instead of slowly over time. It is impossible to calculate the impact this revolutionary technology would have had on the evolving society. However, Tesla’s idea of philanthropy by the wealthy has taken hold, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Newman, and the people mentioned as supporters of Public Television come to mind, so hopefully this trend will continue.
Phenomena of Nikola Tesla, as a “brand” itself, is remarkable. Public interest for his name is growing, transcending a mainstream scientific lobby’s control and dosage of information. What is your experience in that sense from a perspective of bestselling author of books about Nikola Tesla.
I have found that my two Tesla biographies are now more popular than ever. Part of the reason is because Elon Musk decided to keep Tesla’s name attached to the electric car company that he took over and Musk is in certain ways the Tesla of today having created the most successful electric car company on the planet as well as re-booting our space program with SpaceX. I also often get requests from numerous students doing their term papers on Tesla to ask me questions to help in their final presentations. I also worked with Prometheus Films to create the TV 5-part limited series THE TESLA FILES which I helped write also appeared in, and this show went out to 40 countries. The result of that was that Tesla researchers from all over the world contacted me and that helped me immeasurably write my latest Tesla biography TESLA: WIZARD AT WAR. I am also working with filmmakers to bring Tesla’s story to an even wider audience.
Tell us something about Tesla's predictions, based on inventions that could change the course of civilization. Is it possible that “things go wrong”, due to certain level of secrecy about using some Tesla’s inventions from 20th century.
Tesla’s greatest gift was that he was a fundamental inventor. Tesla’s inventions lie at the basis of our electronic mass media age having invented the induction motor, the AC polyphase system which becomes the hydroelectric power system, remote control robotics, cell phone technology and what becomes the Osprey helicopter-airplane. Tesla, however, had other inventions which have never been fully realized. His particle beam weapon was not just a weapon, but it was also a way to transmit power to distant places including the Moon and nearby planets, and as mentioned above, he most likely figured out how to harness cosmic rays which would be a way to provide an unlimited amount of power and energy from these highly charged particles which constantly bombard and penetrate the Earth from the vast reaches of space. Some of his work has been thwarted.
Another example is related to his invention of the ozone generator which he patented in 1896 (patent # US568177A). What I learned from this work is truly astonishing and a great example of “something that goes wrong”!!! In my new book OZONE THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF VIRUSES, co-written with four medical doctors and several other authors (distributed by Simon & Schuster) is that ozone therapy dates to the very time of Tesla when he was selling his ozone generators to medical personnel in the early 1900s. In 2001, Scripps Institute chemist Paul Wentworth, Ph.D. discovered that our own antibodies manufacture ozone for the express purpose of disabling incoming pathogens such as microbes, bacteria, and viruses, yes ozone therapy kills viruses! What this means is that ozone therapy kills the COVID virus. So where did things “go wrong”, then went wrong when the WHO (World Health Organization) in cahoots with the FDA and FTC blocked all attempts by various medical doctors such as Dr. Howard Liebowitz, Dr. Howard Robins, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. Robert Rowen from simply mentioning on their websites that they were indeed disabling the COVID virus with ozone therapy. If they continued to advertise this, the FTC told them in WARNING LETTERS that they would be sued by the Federal Government.
As I show in my ozone book, this also occurred during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. The WHO blocked Drs. Robins and Rowen from completing their work in Sierra Leone where they were training medical doctors how to administer ozone therapy as a way to kill the Ebola virus. What I learned from another of my co-authors, Dr. Gerard Sunnen as well as from Dr. Rowen and Dr. Peter Papadakos, head of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Rochester is that ozone therapy disables the lipid envelope, the outer skin of both the Ebola and COVID virus. Since viruses do not have a means for self-repair, if their outer skin is torn, the virus dies. Ozone Therapy also disables the ability for the virus to bond to the host and helps damp down the cytokine storm, which is the real cause of death in the case of COVID. In America, the vast percentage of the million deaths that occurred from COVID was not caused by the virus itself, but by the over-reaction of the immune system, which not only killed the virus but caused lethal hemorrhaging of lung tissue.
Here is an amazing example of the far reaches of Nikola Tesla’s creative and inventive spirit. Tesla knew more than 100 years ago that ozone therapy was beneficial to a person’s health. Taking into account the finding of Dr. Wentworth that our own antibodies manufacture ozone for the express purpose of disabling incoming pathogens, like Tesla who, following in Goethe’s path, studied and emulated nature, once we understand that if Mother Nature has our own antibodies manufacture ozone, then it becomes apparent that all ozone therapy is, is enhancing what our own immune system is already doing! Taking this a step further, what we also realize is that this mechanism that the immune system uses to protect us is the product of literally hundreds of millions of years of evolution, chance mutation and survival of the fittest.
In much the same way, Tesla’s invention of the radio tube was based on his study of the ear and eye, both able to pick up distant information. What I’m saying is that the horrible COVID pandemic that we have all experienced that killed somewhere around 15 million people worldwide was avoidable! And it was Tesla who led the way!
Do you agree with Dr. Abramović, that science is in a dead end, based on neglecting Tesla’s theory of Ether and his Time technology of resonance, vibration, and frequency?
A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times, may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes of nature.
This is one of these “Is the glass half-empty or half-full” questions. Taking a line from the play SOUTH PACIFIC, by nature I tend to be a “cockeyed optimist,” and so I have a different view than that of Dr. Abramović. One of Tesla’s greatest mysteries was his so-called “dynamic theory of gravity,” which I skirted around when I wrote my first Tesla biography WIZARD, back in 1996. Over the next twenty years I kept returning to it to try and figure out what this theory actually was. The concept of gravity being a dynamic process intrigued me and it took me a good amount of that time to figure out what I thought he meant. At the same time I read up on Einstein’s theory of relativity, which Tesla disagreed with and also George Gamow’s incredible book THIRTY YEARS THAT SHOOK PHYSICS. What I learned from Walter Isaacson’s Einstein biography was that Einstein spent the last 40 years of his life trying to combine all four known forces of the universe: 1) Strong nuclear force which holds the nucleus together; 2) Weak nuclear force which holds neutrons together; 3) Electromagnetism which holds molecules together; and 4) Gravity, which holds planets together. In another book I wrote entitled TRANSCENDING THE SPEED OF LIGHT, I speculate that there is a fifth force which I call “consciousness.” But leaving that aside, what Isaacson said was that although Einstein and his fellow physicists were able to combine the first three forces, he was not able to combine gravity with electromagnetism. This is known as GRAND UNIFICATION, and Einstein failed in this endeavor.
One of the problems with Tesla’s world view was that he did not live long enough to see the explosion of the atomic bomb. Both of these great thinkers made mistakes. Tesla’s mistake was that although he did indeed split atoms when he was experimenting with a million or more volts, he did not split the NUCLEUS of the atom and thus there was not great explosion. So he was right up to a point, but certainly wrong at the total ramifications of E=MC2. Einstein’s mistake was in essentially abandoning the ether and thinking that nothing could “travel” faster than the speed of light. Right in his equation was the term C2 or the speed of light squared which clearly suggests a tachyonic realm.
It took me ten years of intense work to figure out Tesla’s dynamic theory of gravity and in doing so, I ended up solving Einstein’s dream of Grand Unification, namely a way to combine Gravity with Electromagnetism, something he was unable to do mathematically although he spent 40 years working on the project. His mistakes mentioned above were no doubt the cause of his inability to solve this problem.
What Tesla was saying is that matter absorbs energy all the time. What he is also saying is that matter is absorbing ETHERIC energy and that the ether operates in a tachyonic (faster than the speed of light) realm. So what GRAVITY is, is this very process. Since the Earth is absorbing a tremendous amount of etheric energy this results in what we call gravity. According to this theory, we are not “attracted” to the Earth, we are simply in the way of this huge influx of energy.
From reading Gamow’s book, he discusses the discovery of the electron. Wolfgang Pauli came up with three numbers to identify where the electron is located around the nucleus similar to the X, Y & Z axes. However, these three numbers did not totally explain the actions of the electron. Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck came along about 1925 and said we need a 4th number related to the spin of the electron. They discovered particle spin. What Gamow tells us is that what Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck discovered was that for the particle to generate electromagnetic energy, it would have to spin at speeds in excess of the speed of light! This violated Einstein’s theory of relativity and caused a big problem for the physicists until Dirac came along.
What Dirac did was change particle spin to the imaginary number i, or the square root of negative one, which of course is imaginary. Dirac essentially copied Minkowski who did the same thing for space-time. Where space is described with the three coordinates of X,Y & Z, Minkowski labled TIME with the imaginary number i. In doing this, Minkowski was able to create an equivalent between the three space coordinates and time and Dirac did the same thing for the spinning electron and he got a Nobel Prize in the process. However, the idea that electrons spin at tachyonic (relativity violating) speeds went the way of the passenger pigeon.
This led me to realize that if you put these two major ideas together you achieve GRAND UNIFICATION. If all matter is absorbing energy all of the time (which is what Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity is) then what does the “matter” do with this constant influx of energy? Gamow gave the answer. It converts this influx into ELECTROMAGNETISM. That is GRAND UNIFICATION, the ability to combine gravity with electromagnetism.
So, I am hopeful that this theory will gain credence and that science will continue to grow and recognize the importance of the ether in further understanding of the magnificent and complex and mysterious structure of space.
What is your message to the writers, artists, and philosophers of the 21st century?
To the philosophers of the 21st century, I'd suggest embracing curiosity, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical considerations and also a continuing study of the vast areas covered by the genius of Nikola Tesla. I’ve been studying his work for well over 40 years and he continues to teach me so much, not only about electric engineering and airplane design, but also about the importance of ozone therapy for keeping humanity safe from emerging pathogens and also theoretically about the fundamental structure of space. Thus, Tesla continues to point the way for further research. We need to explore ideas like Tesla's with an open mind, but also critically evaluate them. Remember he was wrong in his criticism of Einstein. But also Einstein was wrong in believing that nothing could transcend the speed of light. Clearly, if we want to become part of the Intergalactic Society, we need to gain a better understanding of this tachyonic realm sometimes also known as hyperspace. Hopefully, our contributions and thoughtful planning can help shape a more sustainable, inclusive, and innovative future for humanity, uncover the best way to utilize renewable energy and do it in a way that does not pollute the planet. That really was Tesla’s dream, and one he actually realized through the harnessing of Niagara Falls. With careful thought and respect for those who came before us, we can indeed light a better path for humanity’s future.
Thank you, dear esteemed author, for your amazing contribution to the global process of AWAKENING!
INTERVIEW BY: Zlatan Demirović
(this interview was initially published in the Prodigy Magazine, Arizona US, 2003)